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History & Traditions

School History

Millbrook School was founded by Edward Pulling, a man who the students appropriately nicknamed “The Boss,” as only a bold and fearless man would attempt to begin an independent school in the midst of our country’s toughest economic era. In 1929, Mr. Pulling and his wife, Lucy, purchased the land on Stephenson Farm and, with the help of other great benefactors and visionaries, including the Flaglers and Leffingwells, began building a school that would satisfy their dream of developing intelligent, socially responsible young adults. Thus, Millbrook School was established in 1931.

The original large farmhouse on the school’s property has served as the headmaster’s home from the start. Named “Pulling House” after its most important tenant, the farmhouse was the center of student life in the 1930s and 40s and continued to be a central location where Millbrook's 6th headmaster, Mr. Casertano, and now Jonathan Downs '98, 7th head of school, maintain the Pullings' tradition of gathering students and faculty on a regular basis.  

Though Millbrook School today has several more state-of-the-art buildings and many more acres of sweeping farm landscape, the core of Pulling’s vision remains the same. The school’s motto, “Non Sibi Sed Cunctis” (not for oneself but for all), encapsulates the true spirit of Millbrook. Students and faculty alike strive not only to better themselves intellectually and emotionally but also to give back to the community through stewardship and service.

Millbrook School is committed to maintaining the literal and figurative foundation built by the visionaries of 1930s. In the library hangs a portrait of Mr. Harry Flagler, the first chairman of the Board of Trustees and generous friend and benefactor of the school. Below his portrait reads the inscription, “Si monumentum requires, circumspice,” which translates—“if you need a monument to this person, just look around.” Today, Millbrook School continues to pay homage to those who selflessly gave much of themselves to make Millbrook, Millbrook.

The Silo Archives

Millbrook's student newspaper, The Silo, was first published in December of 1932 and continues to be published by students today. Henry R. Hayes '35 was one of the founding editors and designed the masthead that continues to grace the front page current Silo issues. 

The Silo issues below provide an abundance of historical context for Millbrook School. Click on any link to download and enjoy!

The Silo - 2000-2009