Summer Programs

Many Millbrook students enjoy spending part of their summer break engaging in a variety of programs that focus on academics, community service, language immersion, adventure,  leadership building, or developing their artistic talents. These can be enriching experiences shaping one’s personal and social awareness, college readiness, and post-graduate interests.  In-depth research is important to ensure a rewarding experience. Consider the following questions:

List of 4 frequently asked questions.

  • What type of summer program?

    • Academic program, mostly on college campuses
    • Service and cross cultural programs in the United States and around the world
    • Adventure/wilderness programs in the United States and around the world
    • Language programs in the United States and around the world
    • Performing and visual arts programs
    • Summer internship opportunies
  • Where do I want my experience to take place?

    United States, Europe, Asia, Caribbean, South America, etc.?
  • How much time do I want to spend?

    One, two, five, or up to eight weeks?
  • What do I wish to gain from my summer experience?

    • Experience outside the classroom through hands-on activities?
    • Study a subject in which I may be interested in pursuing in college?
    • Learn to investigate and navigate a college campus  or the global world?
    • Develop a current or new talent or interest?
    • Cultivate personal skills and characteristics, such as leadership?
    • Form new friendships?
    • Discover new things about myself in a cultural context?

Where to Start

Click here to view a list of available summer programs.

This list represents a fraction of the opportunities that are possible. It is meant to be a starting point for researching opportunities. Millbrook School does not endorse any particular program. Information about these programs is simply provided a resource to our students. 

Ask the program for contact information from recent participants and talk to them about their experiences. This is a good way to learn more about the program curriculum, safety, living conditions, leaders and faculty. 

Throughout the school year, representatives from a variety of summer programs will visit Millbrook during the lunch hours. Stop by their table, speak with the representatives, ask questions, find out about their program and, if interested, grab literature to begin your research.

Attend the annual Summer Opportunities Fair, which Millbrook hosts in late January/early February. Representatives from between 20 - 25 programs will on hand to present their summer program and answer any questions.

Students and parents are invited to contact Leanne LaFond at or (845) 677-6933.

Additional Information

Financial Assistance for Summer Programs
Some programs do offer financial assistance.  Please make sure to check deadlines.
For international students who plan to participate in a summer program in the US, please make sure to check the deadlines for international students.  For participating in some programs, the deadline could be earlier to allow time to process any necessary paperwork.
Inclusion of a program at the Summer Opportunities/Gap-year Fair, at a scheduled Millbrook visit, or presented by the Summer Programs Counselor and/or College Counseling Office does not imply endorsement of any kind by Millbrook School, the Summer Program /Gap-Year counselor and/or College Counselors. 
The information throughout this site includes links to information created and maintained by other public and/or private organizations.  We are providing these links, information, and resources solely for our users’ information and conveniences.  Millbrook School does not endorse any of these organizations and is not responsible for their views, products, or services offered.