Millbrook students are learning 21st-century skills and nowhere is that more apparent than within academic and extracurricular offerings in engineering, robotics, and design thinking.
Millbrook students are excelling in 21st-century skills. Millbrook qualified to compete in the national finals of the 15th annual Team America Rocketry Challenge (TARC), the world's largest rocket contest, held at the Great Meadow in The Plains, VA, just outside of Washington, D.C. To qualify, they had to build a rocket, launch it carrying one raw egg, reach 775 feet before returning the egg to Earth, uncracked, all within 41 to 43 seconds.
“For me, this project really highlighted my year in advanced physics and how we can apply the concepts we learned in the classroom to real-life. I want to be a pilot and work in the aerospace industry, and participation in TARC only confirmed my interest and passion,” said senior Thomas Denney.
In addition to rocketry challenges, Millbrook's engineering students are competing in local and regional VEX robotics competitions.