Culminating Experience for Seniors

All seniors at Millbrook are required to complete a Culminating Experience during their senior year. The purpose of this program is to provide our seniors with an opportunity to develop their intellectual independence in a particular discipline or disciplines by engaging in an authentic intellectual project as part of the culmination of their academic career at Millbrook. Seniors are required to present their findings in a formal presentation to members of the Millbrook community. 

At the beginning of their senior year, seniors select the academic discipline in which they will pursue their culminating experience. Each senior then submits the essential question he or she plans to investigate to the relevant academic department for approval or revision. Once the question has been approved, each student is required to spend a minimum of 15 hours researching, developing, and refining the project over the course of the year. The project culminates in the student’s formal public presentation of his or her project to a panel of faculty evaluators and peers.