<b>Art Opening: “Color and Rhythm”</b>

“Color and Rhythm,” an exhibit of paintings by Ralph Della-Volpe, opened in the Warner Gallery of the Holbrook Arts Center on Saturday February 12.

The show represents sixty years of painting by this Milbrook, NY artist. Over those years Della-Volpe’s style changed with the decades, from abstract impressionism in the 1950’s to his colorist period in the 1960’s, from his east coast beach influenced work of the 1970’s to local landscapes in the 1980’s. The 1990’s and into the new century have led Della-Volpe to concentrating on strong composition and true expression and character. “In painting, expression doesn’t come through the subject matter, it comes through the composition and structure of color,” says Della-Volpe of his work.

On Wednesday, February 16, arts students were treated to a gallery talk by Mr. Della-Volpe where they listened to him discuss his work and he was able to answer their questions. The Greenwich Gallery in Greenwich, CT is representing Della-Volpe’s work. “Color and Rhythm” will run until March 4, 2005. To view the exhibit, click on the WARNER GALLERY tab at the top of this page.