A Letter from Headmaster Elect Jonathan Downs '98

In 1998 I graduated from Millbrook convinced that I wanted to lead a life devoted to education. That conviction has only grown over time. As a result of my Millbrook experience, I sought opportunities to learn and teach in many wonderful schools, and at each stop, I measured every school experience and educator against Millbrook and Drew Casertano. This place and its headmaster have been my litmus test for excellence in schools. I still believe what I believed as a teenager: there is no better education – and no better leader.
I offer that assertion because for the last ten years I have had the privilege and honor of working so closely with Drew, first as director of admission and more recently as assistant head; along the way he has guided me, challenged me, and shared strategic insights, most importantly the vision for Millbrook. In the world of education, graduate school, professional development workshops, and field work are touted as the best opportunities to grow as a school leader. I have found value in all of these, but the past ten years at Millbrook have given me so much more: a bona fide apprenticeship with a mentor, friend, and school expert.
Erin and I are filled with gratitude to follow in the footsteps of Linda and Drew. We are fortunate to serve this school that we love. The Casertano era has become a beacon of inspiration for the boarding experience in the independent school industry, and we are committed to living out this legacy of leadership as Millbrook continues on its path toward inevitability. For 30 years Drew has impressed upon us to “leave it better than we found it.” The best way to honor Drew and his extraordinary tenure will be to preserve the very best of our past while leaving Millbrook better than we found it, just as he has done. 

The next 18 months will give all of us ample opportunities to celebrate Drew and Linda and to plan for Millbrook’s bright and promising future. We—Drew, Linda, Erin, and I—hope to connect with all of you who continue to care so deeply for the past, present, and future of our school.