Dan bleeds Millbrook blue in every way. Ever since his graduation from Millbrook 30 years ago, he has remained closely connected to his alma mater.
While earning his BA in Journalism and Metropolitan Studies at NYU, Dan first began serving as a class agent for the Class of 1986. He was one of our most loyal and effective class agents, and he set the bar high for others who are now filling his shoes. Dan remains one of our top alumni ambassadors at large for this school.
Dan has had a number of exciting jobs, hobbies, and passions in his journey thus far. He worked for many years with famous photographer Neil Leifer on a number of projects including covering the first Gulf War for LIFE Magazine and the Olympics in Barcelona in 1994. Dan then went on to become a founding member and director of programming as well as director of new media and information systems at Classic Sports Network from 1994 until 1999, which was then sold to ESPN and became known as ESPN Classic.
In 1999 Dan changed course and toured America on his motorcycle, covering more than 30,000 miles through 48 states in 100 days in honor and in memory of his father, who lost his battle to cancer 17 years earlier. Dan’s travels proved to be a heartfelt and successful effort to raise funds for the Neurosurgical Institute at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles to combat this dreadful disease.
Dan entered the filmmaking business and founded Undara Productions, where he remains president to this day. In 2015 Dan again collaborated with Neil Leifer, this time on the documentary film Keepers of the Streak that aired on ESPN and focused on four photographers who had attended and photographed the first 48 Super Bowls from 1967-2014.
Millbrook School is chief among his impressive and lengthy list of clients. In fact, working in tandem with our Communications Office since 2005, Dan has interviewed hundreds of students, faculty, alumni, and trustees as an essential first step in the process of making three critically acclaimed films about our school.
The first film,
Down School Road, was an extraordinary piece chronicling Millbrook’s first 75 years. His second film,
Across the Pond, focused on the prominent role the
Trevor Zoo has played at Millbrook since 1936 under the able and inspiring direction of Frank Trevor and Jono Meigs ’65. Dan’s third film,
Better By Design, was produced a year ago to highlight the first quarter century of Drew and Linda Casertano’s leadership at our school.
In his omnipresent work and service, Dan has come to know our faculty and students well, and he now melts into the background when he and his camera appear on a seemingly daily basis.
Additionally, his work with current Zoo Director Alan Tousignant has brought international fame to the Trevor Zoo with live cameras, both at ground level and in the treetops, filming our birds and other zoo residents and sharing our animals’ (including endangered species) real-time and often captivating experiences via multiple social media outlets. Another project close to Dan’s heart is the renovation of The Mill, currently underway on School Road. Under the direction of Dan’s former Millbrook classmate and close friend, John Allee, this historical facility will serve as a welcome center for the zoo’s 40,000 visitors who make their way across the pond each year.
Dan, for your countless contributions and for your absolute devotion to this school, we are proud to present you with this Millbrook Medal for distinguished service to Millbrook.