Marsh Mucking, a Millbrook Tradition

Marsh mucking is one of the many traditions that makes Millbrook, Millbrook, and biology students and freshman activity groups have taken their first, unforgettable steps into the marsh this year!
Over the past few weeks, multiple groups of students took the plunge to brave the chest deep, murky water of the marsh. Crossing the threshold into the marsh is a multisensory experience. Students explore one of the most bio-diverse ecosystems on earth as they trudge their way through the muddy water. The floor of the marsh is slick, and good footing is challenging to find. However, students unite and provide a helping hand or a shoulder to lean on, ensuring everyone makes it to their destination. Once they have reached the main clearing, they gather water and specimen samples to examine in the laboratory.

On paper, trudging through freezing cold mud and water in the early hours of the morning in search of bugs may not seem too appealing. However, mention marsh mucking to a Millbrook student, and you will see their face light up, beaming with excitement. The intimate, one-on-one interaction with nature and shared experience with friends makes marsh mucking truly unforgettable. 

Hop into the marsh with our new marsh mucking video and experience the tradition yourself!
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