The Preliminary College List

It always amazes us how the initial “college list” can take on a life of its own. The purpose of the list is to jump-start the search process and to offer suggestions of schools that may be a match. The list is not a directive, nor should it limit the exploration of other programs not mentioned.

The additional suggestions do not generally include a large number of “reach” schools. We have found that students land on those schools without any prompting, and if there are too many, students generate unrealistic expectations. Our goal in this process is for students to end up in the spring of their senior year with choices. We would like for each student to find a group of schools that match his/her interests and represent a full array of selectivity. Each student should be excited about every school to which they apply.

We are frequently asked how to pare down a list that is generally larger than the final list. This is the job of your son or daughter. It is now their turn to research, investigate, and make some decisions about what they are looking for. It is very important for students to drive this process. The decisions should be based on what is right for each individual. The list should not be viewed as an enabler to a passive process. This list should spark conversation at home; it should be a beginning point to explore possibilities.