Project SAGE at Millbrook

In coordination with the student life and counseling offices, Project SAGE is providing training and education to students, faculty, and staff on how to create and maintain a healthy, inclusive, and safe learning and living environment. SAGE, based in nearby Lakeville, Connecticut, aims to “Support, Advocate, Guide, and Educate to end relationship violence.” Beyond the educational component of their work, Project SAGE maintains a crisis hotline, assists with emergency housing, offers counseling and support groups, and connects clients with legal advocates. 
After her summer MillbrookEngage Project SAGE internship, VIth former Christina Bellin helped connect the organization with Millbrook. Christina completed an intensive 20-hour training course, helped with lesson plans for 7th through 12th-grade classes, delivered food to clients in shelters, and aided Project Sage’s court advocate. "Since Project SAGE has done work with other boarding and high schools, I thought they would be able to give constructive feedback on the school curriculum and guidelines surrounding these topics," said Christina, "I also thought it could be beneficial for student leaders and faculty to have some more training around handling topics of sexual assault and gender inclusivity." Her commitment to Project SAGE is ongoing.
JJ Morrissey, dean of students, Anna Birnbaum, assistant dean of students, and Billy Thom, director of affective education, worked with SAGE leadership to develop a tiered program with units geared to all community members. In separate presentations, faculty, staff, and student leaders will receive training to recognize unhealthy relationships and power dynamics. In form-wide presentations over three visits, facilitators from SAGE will present engaging and relatable material designed to meet students where they are developmentally.