<b>Autumn Fest Spices Up Millbrook's Campus</b>

With the help of the M.O.M.S volunteers, Autumn Fest provided a weekend of great fun and spooks!

The tradition of Autumn Fest weekend began on Friday night with a rowdy game of Bingo in the student center. Prizes for the winners were provided by M.O.M.S (Mothers of Millbrook Students) and included comfy fleece blankets, surfboards, and gift certificates.

Despite having to go to class in the morning, the fun continued on Saturday. Students were encouraged to wear costumes to class, and some faculty even joined in the spirit. After the usual Saturday afternoon activities, the night started with a Haunted Hayride around campus under the direction of Mr. McWilliams. After a spooky ride around campus, Millbrook students returned to their dorms to dress in their costumes for the Halloween dance. Once again, the M.O.M.S volunteers transformed the student center into a haunted wonderland. The twelve volunteers gathered early Saturday morning to arrange over sixty branches for the creepy forest and hang all sorts of spooky paraphernalia about the rafters in the Barn. The volunteers collected thirty donated pumpkins to set out amongst the hay bales, graveyards, and skeletons. Students were in awe of the haunted space, and they enjoyed dancing to the DJ's music and eating the yummy treats on the tables.

On Halloween day, the activities team organized several events off and around campus. Some students took a trip to Ellsworth Farms to pick apples and pumpkins and run through the corn maze. Other students chose to stay on campus and visit the various dorms who were hosting open houses. Flagler Quad was buzzing with activity as Abbott and Burton Halls were showing scary movies, Guest House was decorating cookies, Clark Hall was carving pumpkins, and Case Hall organized tug-o-war and bobbing for apples contests.

The Autumn Fest weekend culminated in a school wide trick-or-treat on Sunday night. Faculty opened their homes to students and other faculty children as they walked door to door in search of yummy treats. This Millbrook tradition is a student favorite; they love to revive the fun Halloween nights of their childhood!

Special thanks to the M.O.M.S volunteers for making the Autumn Fest weekend a memorable one. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please contact one of the co-chairs of the group, Kim Parent and Alice Holbrook.

To see more photos of Autumn Fest, click here.
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