Yes And...Millbrook Improv Workshop

Millbrook School’s improv comedy troupe La Bruschetta traveled to the Millbrook Public Library in the village for an evening of improv comedy games for local kids. Student-led games like “3 Poets” engaged the young participants and encouraged them to think on their feet. Improv comedy can be a great icebreaker and confidence-builder and cracking up a room full of new friends is a feeling like no other!
Improvisation is a theater course led by Elaine Lifter that hones public speaking, quick thinking, and collaboration as pillars of the actor’s craft. Students engage in improv games and exercises designed to free them from self-consciousness and doubt while exploring the wide world of comedy.
La Bruschetta’s road trip to the library gave the group a chance to share some of the skills they have been building with an audience that was ready to learn and laugh.  
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