Creativity in Remote Learning

Sarah MacWright's photography students have been studying food photography, and they appreciated this tasty and highly creative assignment so much, they shared their final products with the entire school in a recent assembly on Zoom.

Food photography dates back to the 1840s when cameras were born. Food provided a way of integrating traditional fine art (painting) strategies into the new photographic medium, and the art evolved from still life to our more modern understanding of food photo in the 1940s with “cookbooklets” (catalogs for food products with recipes woven in). Food photography emerged in its proto-contemporary form through magazines, like Gourmet in the 80s, that connected food to lifestyle. Today food photography is continually being stretched and reinvented on social media.

The class looked at some great food photo Instagram accounts like Julie’s Kitchen and the class’ favorite “Drake on a Cake,” which contains exuberant photographs of Drake lyrics on cakes.

Students photographed food readily available to them where they are staying, and their choices ranged from sandwiches and cereal to chocolate cupcakes. The class used this project to connect to color theory and lighting lessons from earlier in the year. All of these beautiful images came from the students’ cell phones, and we think they might inspire you to pull out your phone at the dinner table tonight!
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